"Aušra" (Dawn) No. 7. This issue writes about the desecration of the Hill of Crosses, the undermining of our cultural heritage; the concluding article reports on the hardships of Lithuanians living in Byelorussia. The article "Whose Mirror is Distorted?" presents tacts in reply to the propaganda article of author J. Baltušis. A new section has been inaugurated in this issue entitled: "SOS! SOS! SOS!" which will present the most striking current events and the most painful incidents of persecution and national destruction.
"Rūpintojėlis" (Suffering Christ) No. 2. The article "What Demands Are Being Placed on Us by the Complicated Maze of Current-Day Life?" is most worthy of attention. The author examines the problem of secularization and offers possible means of action, how to resit the spreading godlessness (lay apostolate, struggle against fear and so on.)
"Dievas ir Tėvynė" (God and Country) Nr. 5. a large portion of this issue is devoted to a critique of dialetic materialism; proofs of God's existence are presented. The article "The Honorable Teacher" recounts the life and death of teacher Regina Procevi-čiūtė. It is essential that Dievas ir Tėvynė continue to gather material on noble Lithuanians who remained heroically faithful to God and country under difficult circumstances. The issue covers 81 pages.
Fellow Lithuanian, remember the followings;
Petras Plumpa, Povilas Petronis, Nijolė Sadūnaitė, Sergiejus Kovalev, Ona Pranskunaitė, Vladas Lapienis, Viktoras Petkus and others who bear the shackles of imprisonment so that you may freely believe and live.