Aušra (Dawn), nos. 19 and 20.
     Perspektyvos (Perspectives), nos. 17,18, and 19.
     Rūpintėjelis (The pensive Christ), no. 13.



     Currently the KGB has greatly increased its repression of the underground press. Regardless of how difficult conditions become, the Chronicle will continue to be published. We ask our readers to strongly support its publication and distribution.

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A Correction

The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania reported that on August 3, 1979, Father Antanas Jokubauskas was "educated" for nine hours by Security Police Chief Astrauskas. The correct name is Astromskas.

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Fellow Lithuanian, Do Not Forget!

    Petras Plumpa, [Miss] Nijolė Sadūnaitė, Sergei Kovalev, Vladas Lapienis, Balys Gajauskas, Viktoras Petkus, Petras Paulaitis, Antanas Terleckas, Julius Sasnauskas, Vytautas Skuodis, Povilas Pečeliūnas, Povilas Buzas, Anastazas Janulis, Algirdas Statkevičius, and others are enduring the yoke of bondage in order that you may live and believe in freedom.