1. Aušra (The Dawn), No. 28 (68). The issue contains the following articles: "Kuriuo keliu" (Žvilgsnis į Lietuvos dvasininkiją), (Along What Road) A Look at the Clergy of Lithuania), "Mūsų kultūros rūpesčiai" (Concerns of our Culture), "Lietuviai ir rusai" (Lithuanians and Russians), "Literatūrų "Lygiateisiškumas" Tarybų Sajungoje" (" 'Equal Rights' of Literatures in the Soviet Union"), etc. The issue appeared in September.
2. Tiesos kelias (Way of Truth),, No. 20. The issue appeared in December. One of the more meaningful articles: "Kunigas sakykloje" (The Priest in the Pulpit).
3. Dievas ir Tėvynė (God and Country), No. 19. The publication appeared at the end of the summer. It touches on Lithuania's Christian culture, the russification of Lithuanians and other current questions.
4. Rūpintojėlis (Suffering Christ), No. 17. Date of publication: July 17, 1981. The publication is dedicated to the Eucharistic Year. It contains many of Jadvyga Stanelytė's letters, a request to the Holy Father to beatify Archbishop Jurgis Matulevičius as soon as possible, etc.
Addendum to Issue No. 49 of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania:
Religious article vendors at the Portiuncula Indulgences in Telšiai were chased from the churchyard by finance inspector Vandzinskas.
Fellow Lithuanian, Don't Forget!
Sergei Kovalev
Balys Gajauskas
Jadvyga Stanelytė
Viktoras Petkus
Mečislovas Jurevičius
Povilas Pečeliūnas
Gintautas Iešmantas
Julius Sasnauskas
Anastazas Janulis
Vytautas Vaičiūnas
Vytautas Skuodis
Petras Paulaitis
Algirdas Statkevičius
Antanas Terleckas
Genė Navickaitė
and others who bear the shackles of prison, so that you might freely live and believe!