In April, 1973, several unknown persons burglarized the churches in Ilguva, Žemoji Panemunė, and Paežerėliai and took the Blessed Sacrament from two of them.


    On April 25,1973, [Mrs.] Rinkauskienė, the principal of the Skriaudžiai eight-year school, asked the parents of certain students to come see her to explain why they allow their children to attend church and why their children participate in processions, during which their girls scatter flowers. The first to arrive at the school was [Mrs.] K. Kairiūkštienė. Several teachers and the principal took part in the discussion. They told the mother she should not let her children attend church and especially processions.

    "I'll take the children to church because the constitution guarantees the freedom of conscience. Our faith teaches no evil. Your godless students pushed around Pastor Ulec-kas and demanded money from him, and later they threw stones at the elderly woman [Mrs.] Tamulevičienė. One of your students raped a girl. Answer me, do churchgoing children of believing parents act this way?"

    Since the teachers remained silent, the mother spoke of God.
    "Go on with that God," teacher Tumaitienė interrupted her.

    "An old people's proverb says, 'Don't spit up at heaven, for you'll spit on your own beard," retorted the energetic mother.

    The principal threatened to note on her children's school records that they believe in God and then they would not be able to enroll in any schools of higher education.

    "All honest work is honorable. They can work on the collective farm as I do. The collective farm accepts even those who believe in God."

    As Kairiūkštienė was leaving, she said: "Please don't be angry if you see me going to church with my girls. I'll continue to take the girls just as I've been doing."

    The principal was especially angered when the mother recounted one of the girls' conversations: "Mommy, you're not the only one who says there is a God. The teachers tell us about Him, too. If they're fighting against God, then He must really exist. No one would fight against nothing."