Father Sigitas Tamkevičius' address:

Permskaya obi. Chusoviskoy j r-on pos. Polovinka uchr. VS 389/37 Tamkevičius Sigitas

In seven months of imprisonment, relatives have received barely three leters from Father Alfonsas Svarinskas, even though a prisoner may write two letters a month to the outside. Letters from Lithuania also fail to reach Father Svarinskas. Of twenty-four letters written by his brother and sister, Father Svarinskas has received only six. Of Christmas greetings, of which hundreds were sent, seven letters have reached Father Svarinskas. Relatives have written complaints to the camp commandant and have received a reply that Father Svarinskas sends from the camp the number of letters permitted him. Most probably the letters disappear in the hands of the KGB in Lithuania.