March 19th of this year marks seven years since the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania knocked on the doors of a handful of readers in 1972. Small circulation, dirth of information and readers' fear were obstacles which the Chronicle overcame with great difficulty. After several months, the Chronicle found its way into the hands of the security police and indictment No. 345 was lodged against this "Dangerous state criminal." After the Novem­ber 1973 campaign of charges, the security police was jubilant — The Chroniclehas been liquidated! But it did not die. Years passed and over the years information increased, people's hearts became bolder, the circle of readers grew wider—the Chroniclecrossed the Fatherland's borders and opened the eyes of many.

Today the Chronicle is the nation's conscience, the voice of the militant Church and a cry for help to the entire world.

There would be no Chronicle without the Plumpa's, Nijolės, Lapienas', without the sacrifice of the noblest Lithuanians. The Chronicle is therefore most indebted to those who suffer for the word of truth behind barbed wires.

The Chronicle would be a weak infant were it not for hundreds of Lithuanians who risk their freedom but nonetheless painstakingly gather information, disseminate and read those simple pages which are seeped in suffering and heroism.

The Chronicle is extremely grateful to the brothers and sisters in the West, for without their diligent labor the word of truth would bounce off the Iron Curtain and merely echo back, without reaching the wide world.

Many ask why the Chronicle survives? Why haven't the security agents managed to strangle it over these seven years? The Chronicle lives, because living hands are are folded in prayer!

Editors of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania