From the Dean of the State Pedagogic Institute of Vilnius Order No. 20

Vilnius                                     February 14, 1975

Responsibility of Instructors Organizing and Conducting Student Excursions

Various excursions, art groups, athletic groups and other types of student travel within the republic or outside of its boundaries, as outlined in the curriculum plan have great educational merit in preparing future teachers. The aim is that the students on these ex­cursions, pedagogical practice, work and rest camps, helping agricul­tural workers, would in their work and conduct live up to the honor­able name of a Soviet student, future teacher, Communist youth, and citizen of the L.S.S.R.

On these excursions much time is devoted to academic pursuits and rest. A great deal of funds is also involved. Their success in forming a young specialist depends on the leaders of the collectives, and instructors, who should be properly prepared on their own time for these excursions and who should maintain discipline with the co­operation of the student activist. It is imperative to discuss the results of the excursions in the departments and collectives, to inform the deans about them, and if need be, even the rector's office. Recently, when even the most ordinary organizing and conducting demands of the students' excursions were ignored there were instances of negative influence on the ideological education of the students and on the formation of their Marxist viewpoint.

From June 29 to July 12, 1975 a group of fourteen students of the History faculty headed by instructor R. Šalūga conducted a field trip a part of their studies in archeology, ethnic and folklore in the districts of Joniškis, Akmenė and Mažeikiai. While in the district of Akmenė, this group humbled itself to the church-supporters, asked themselves into the wooden church of Kly­koliai, as if into an architectural monument, listened to the anti-scientific comments of the local pastor (The pastor of the parish of Klykoliai is Jonas Paliukas—a graduate of the Seminary of Kaunas in 1969—Editor), viewed films and slides made by him, some of them even on religious themes. It is understood that the plan of this excursion did not include all this. Šalūga has been relieved of his duties as allegedly untrustworthy and he is not working at the institute any more. The student head of the group has also been relieved of his duties. The necessary discussions were held with the student group.

On October 27, 1974 a group of the students of Course II of the same faculty, under the direction of asst. prof. A. Gaigalaitė, organized a one-day introductory excursion including the following places: Pilaitė, Kernavė, Musninkai, Čiobiškis, Žasliai, Elektrėnai, Vievis, Lentvaris. In Kernavė, while the asst. prof, did not notice, the students on their own went in to look at the church, in which it seems an antiscientific, antihistorical museum is found. When the asst prof. When the ast prof, found out about it, she immediately took the student out of the church and held an explanatory discussion. However, when they returned she did not inform the faculty dean of this event.

From September 4 to October 3, 1974, a group of students from the filology-geography faculty, headed by acting asst. prof. J. Tomkus worked at the   "Oaths of Lenin" Collective Fram in the Rayon of

Šalčininkai. In spite of strict directivenes to the leaders of the work and because of the lenience of instructors J. Tomkus, an end-of-the-harvest feast with alcoholic beverages was organized. That type of feasting and the conduct of some of the students during the feast lowered the dignity of the students and their leader.

Some time earlier, July 16-21, while engaged in practical studies near the lake of Drūkšiai, Instructor J. Tomkus in the presence of students quarreled with tourists from more distant places at the camp fire site. This less than tactful conflict on the part of the lecturer even though unwillingly, developed a nationalistic character.

Such and similar negative events should call forth strict reactions and every department and teacher must draw from them the necessary conclusions.

In connection with the above, I order:

1.To issue a reprimand to the acting asst. prof. Juozas Tomkus for a grave violation of the discipline of the students' aid to an agriculture group and for unfitting conduct with outsiders during the students practical studies.

2.To issue a warning to the Lecturer in the Department of History of the USSR, (Miss) Aldona Gaigalaitė, for not reporting the unseemly conduct of some of the students during an excursion.

3.Within ten days, the heads of the departments should acquaint all the members of their departments with this order, and should return it to the chancellery with their suggestions.

Rector of the State Pedagogic Institute of Vilnius asst. prof. V. Uogintas


Assistant Professor at the Agricultural Academy Terrorizes Students

Kaunas. On February 11, 1975, a group of veterinary students on their way to Kurtuvėnai, visited Šiluva and Tytuvėnai. On February 13, 1975, an asst. prof, of the Marxism faculty, Bagackas, started to badger, one by one, all the students who took part in the excursion, wanting to know why they went to Šiluva. Those who took part in the pre-lenten festivities in Kurtuvėnai were threatened with dismissal from the Academy by the assistant professor. The head of the economic department of the Academy who provided a bus for the students was dismissed from his job.

Incorrect Information to Students by Deputy K. Tumėnas

In the Fall of 1974, at the Polytechnic Institute of Kaunas, a meeting of the students with the Deputy for Religious Affairs, K. Tumėnas was arranged. Students who had to write a paper were herded into a hall to listen to this lecture. Tumėnas told about various religious communities in Lithuania. According to him, half of the population of Lithuania are practicing Catholics, while many more people take part in the celebration of the holy days. According to official documents, 45% of the newborn are christened, 25% of those marrying to so in church, 51% are buried with the ceremonies of the Church. [These statistics are lowered to a great extent—Editor]. Tumėnas mentioned the fact that reactionary priests published several numbers of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania which are meant to be sent abroad.

Students Refuse to Write Down a Sermon

Šiauliai. On December 25, 1974, Christmas Day, many students of the II course of the Pedagogic Institute of Šiauliai came to class dressed in festive clothes. At least in such a way they demonstrated their viewpoints. After a few days, this group was told to go to church, listen to the sermon, and write it down. They should then give those notes to the Communist Youth Organization. The students refused on the grounds that this is not part of the duties of the students.

Security and the Administration of the Polytechnic Institute Discriminate Against Believing Students)

The 8th and 10th issue of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania carried an article about the persecution of Zenonas Mištautas because in 1973 he carried a cross to the top of the castle hill of Meškučiai (the Hill of Crosses). His conduct mark was lowered, he was not allowed to defent his thesis and therefore he was quickly conscripted. One employee of the Security of Šiauliai privately told some of the teachers at the Polytechnic Institute, that Security is aware that Zenonas is an orderly, gifted, and good student; however he intends to enter the seminary, therefore, he cannot allow him to graduate from the Polytechnic Institute, so that he would not have a higher education. [The names of the above mentioned Security agent and the teachers are known—Editor].

In 1974, the brother of Zenonas Mištautas also tried to enter the Polytechnic Institute of Šiauliai. During the entrance examinations he was called by J. Raudys, assistant principal for teaching require­ments, who explained to him that if he wished to study here he must promise not to go to church, to join the Communist Youth Organization, and not to follow the example of his brother. After this conversation, the young man immediately withdrew his application.

Teachers Mock and Insult a Religious Invalid student

Utena. Jonas Baronas, 20 years old, is an invalid residing in the old age home and is studying in the Tilvytis adult education high school, grade VIb. The teachers demanded that he write an article against the Church and the priests. Baronas firmly refused. After school he was questioned in the teachers' lounge about his faith.

"I am not a little child and you have no right to force me to write anti-religious articles," the student replied.

The teacher could not control himself:

'Paragon of piety, ass, lowbrow, etc.," the student was mocked in all kinds of words. The most insulting was the teacher (Miss) Skvaržinskaitė. From that time on Baronas was insulted every day.

On January 15, 1975, Jonas Baronas went to the Ministry of Education and complained. He was then transferred to the school in Ukmergė and the above mentioned facts were investigated. It became clear that Teacher Skvaržinskaitė was inspired by the director of curriculum, Teacher Trumpickas. Teacher Skvaržinskaitė was reprimanded for her conduct, and teacher Trumpickas was supposed to be discharged on April 1, 1975.

On March 4, 1975, Baronas met teacher Trumpickas in the street, and the teacher in the presence of students Grigonis and Liuima called the invalid student a dog.

Teacher Finds Out By a Questionnaire the Religious Views of the Students and Mocks Those Who Believe

Klaipėda. The students of High School I of Klaipėda, VI Grade, were ordered to answer such questions on a questionnaire: Do you believe in God? Do you attend church? Do you know the prayers? Who prepared you for First Communion? Who in your family is a believer and attends church?

The students replied variously: "What concern is it of yours, teacher?—This is my personal affair." "I believe in God, I go to church, I know my prayers, my mother prepared me for my First Holy Communion", etc. The students had to sign the questionnaire. Home room teacher Saveckas mocked the believing students: "Well, paragon of piety, maybe you come to school wearing a cross today?" he sneered at a believing girl.

Teacher Glinskienė Mocks Religious Students

Palanga. Atheist teacher (Mrs.) Glinskienė, working at the resort's high school mocks religious students during the lessons. Before Easter, 1975, she spoke to pupil (Miss) Atkočiūnaitė:

"You run to church a little too often, like a real paragon of piety. I am sure that you are the only such backward one in the whole class."

"I am not going to church all that often — only on Sundays", replied the girl quietly, "and no one will prevent me from doing so."

"Teacher, she is not the only one," said pupil (Miss) Šileikytė. "I also attend church. I will watch at the tomb of Christ all Easter night. If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself."

The students started to laugh, and the teacher left the classroom.

An Atheistic Play With Believing Players

Kudirkos Naumiestis. On Christmas eve, 1974, after school was over, an atheistic evening was to take place in Kudirkos Naumiestis high school. The home room teacher of the VII class, Algis Domijonaitis, chose the following religious students to be the "actors": Gintas Venckus, Raimundas Žibąs and Aldona Stebulytė. Venckus had to act the part of the pastor, and the others had to mock believing people receiving the sacraments.

Other members of the class were told to laugh loudly during the performance. The home room teacher told the children not to say anything about this play to their parents—most likely he feared that the performance might not take place. However, the children told their parents. Mrs. Žibienė called up the home room teacher and declared: "Do not trample our convictions. Choose children who do not attend church to perform in the play; we will not let ours do it. Other mothers also did not allow their children to take part in the play. The atheistic evening fell apart. However, the children had to explain in class why they did not take part in the play.

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The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania welcomes concrete and complete information about the discrimination against the believers of Lithuania and about their stand against assimilation and godlessness.