Aušra (The Dawn), No. 13 (53). This issue writes about Lithuania's floundering in alcohol, about the activities of the Soviet Mafia—the KGB and many other topics. The issue came out in October 1978.

Rūpintojėlis (The Suffering Christ) No. 7. Appeared at the very end of 1978 and is dedicated to Virgilijus Jaugelis, a former prisoner jailed for making copies of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania who has now attained the priesthood through under­ground channels. The forward states:

Father Virgilijus:

From early childhood you nurtured the dream— "I'm going to be a priest." But you did not know how many obstacles you would meet on this road. For many years, the hand ot the KUB closed tfte seminary doors to you. That same hand shoved you into a labor camp merely for loving Your Motherland and the Church. The torturers feared you would die at their feet and threw you back half-dead at the gates of your home.

And yet even then you did not lose the hope—"I am going to be a priest!" And here you are at the Lord's altar. You place into Christ's Chalice of suffering your own days of suffering and offer them up.

All believing Lithuania congratulates you and wishes: Offer up both your own and Christ's sacrifice for the future of us all.

N.B. The Rev. Virgilijus Jaugelis publicly offered his first Holy Mass on November 1, 1978 at the church in Kybartai.

Perspektyvos (Perspectives) No. 5 and 6. Both issues appeared almost simultaneously at the end of 1978. They contain many current articles written in a discussion form.

Dievas ir Tevynė (God and Country) No. 9. Most of the issue is devoted to the storyNaktis (Night) which touches on many sensitive current-day problems.

Fellow Lithuanian, Don't Forget!

P.(etras) Plumpa, N.(ijolė) Sadūnaitė, S.(ergei) Kovalev, O.(na) Pranskūnaitė, V.(ladas) Lapienis, B.(alys) Gajauskas, V.(iktoras) Petkus and others who bear the shackles of prison so that you might freely live and believe!