Aušra (The Dawn) No. 14 (54). The issue is dated December 1978. It contains a statement by Lithuanian Helsinki Group member Rev. Karolis Garuckas, an article entitled "Trading in Nations", etc. The news section contains items on the Catholic Committee for the defense of the Rights of Believers, stepped-up russification in Lithuania, etc.

Dievas ir Tėvynė (God and Country) No. 10. Half of this issue is devoted to the poem "Night Visitor" signed with the pen name Bi­čiulis (Friend), the remaining portion contains three articles: "Aren't You Ashamed!", "All Lithuanians for the Nation's Purity" and "The Summit of Humanity." The issue appeared in February 1979.

Tiesos kelias (Way of Truth) No. 11. This issue writes about Pope John Paul II, the International Year of the Child, the defense of children's rights; much information is presented on the life of the Catholic Church.

Fellow Lithuanians, Don't Forget!

P.(etras) Plumpa, N.(ijolė) Sadūnaitė, S.(ergei) Kovalev, V.(la-das) Lapienis, B.(alys) Gajauskas, V.(iktoras) Petkus and others who bear the shackles of prison to that you might freely live and believe!


In issue No. 36 of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithu­ania, the article "Life of Catholics in Lithuania and the Soviet Union" contains the sentence: Vieno iš Pabaltijui paskirto vyskupo charak­teris tik ką prieš jo paskyrimą . .. (The Character of one of the bish­ops named for the Baltic States just prior to his appointment. . .). The words "charakteris tik ką" should read "characteristiką" (references).