
    1. On August 8, 1979, Interrogator First Lieutenant Rainys, Major Raudys, and Captain Stankevičius of the security police conducted a search in the Kaunas home of [Miss] Liucija Kulvietytė, residing at 28-8 Kulva St., for the purpose of seizing "anti-Soviet publications, documents, and the technical means of duplicating them." The search lasted five hours, and the following were confiscated:

— A history of the Lithuanian language (printed material)

—    Aušrelė (Dawn)

—    a sizeable quantity of various articles on which editorial notations and corrections were evident.

*    *    *

     2. On August 8, 1979, Interrogator Matulevičius, Aloyzas Kazlauskas, and Romas Sujeta of the security police conducted a five-hour search in the apartment of [Miss] Vitalija Žvikaitė at 28-2 Kulva St. The following items were confiscated:
—    An Optima typewriter
—    Volume 4 of the series Lietuvių archyvas (Lithuanian archives)

 —    the book Lietuvių poezija išeivijoje 1945-1971 (Lithuanian poetry abroad 1945-71)

—    the book Kultūra ir civilizacija (Culture and civilization)
—    Issue no. 6 of Rūpintojelis (The pensive Christ)

—    Issue no. 30 of The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania)
—    a fair number of articles on Lithuanian history, and so on.

     After the search, both Liucija Kulvietytė and Vitalija Žvikaitė were interrogated at security police headquarters. It became clear during the interrogation that the secret police have a great antagonism toward ethnography and literature dealing with the Lithuanian language or history.

     About 9 a.m. on October 3,1979, state security officers conducted searches at the homes of several Vilnius residents.

     1. J. Matulevičius, accompanied by three other officers and witnesses, arrived at the residence of Julius Sasnauskas, 15-15 Garelis St. The search ended at about 11 p.m. The report on the search consisted of twenty pages. It listed about one hundred items which were confiscated.

Even the Lithuanian translation of poetry of O. Milosz wound up in the security police bag. They also confiscated a typewriter.

    2.    The search at 19-35 Užupis St., home of Vladas Šakalys, an optician who has served a fifteen-year prison sentence, took until 1 p.m.
     3.    The apartment of the film projectionist Antanas Terleckas, 68 Nemenčinė Pl., was searched until 3 p.m. A typewriter was confiscated.
     4.    Dr. Algis Statkevičius, residing in Žirmūnai, was taken for interrogation to security police headquarters after a search.

     There are reports that even more searches were conducted on that day.