Lietuvos ateitis (Lithuania's Future), No. 1. This is a new under­ground publication especially aimed at believing youth. The first issue of Lithuania's Future which drew considerable attention, ap­peared in January, 1982. "Many critical comments, good suggestions have been received . . . This clearly indicates that it is not only useful, but also necessary for youth to have a publication in which they can freely express their ideas and beliefs and discuss current problems." (Lithuania's Future, No. 2)

Lithuania's Future, No. 2 devotes considerable space to the second anniversary of the death of Father Virgilijus Jaugelis: it provides more extensive information on Father Jaugelis and prints statements from young people who know him closely.

The publication examines current problems and debates '"How Should Believing Youth Be Today?" (offers concrete ways and means whereby every believing young person can serve God and homeland in his daily life).

We wish Lithuania's Future a long life in illuminating and pointing the road to the future for Lithuania's youth!

Aušra (The Dawn), No. 30 (70). The publication appeared in March and consists of 50 pages. It commemorates the tenth an­niversary of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithua­nia, writes about the Servant of God, Archbishop Jurgis Matule­vičius, presents historical information on The Dawn's 100th an­niversary, etc.


Fellow Lithuanian, Don't Forget!


Balys Gajauskas
Anastazas Janulis
Gintautas Iešmantas
Mečislovas Jurevičius
Sergei Kovalev
Petras Paulaitis
Viktoras Petkus
Vytautas Skuodis
Algis Statkevičius
Antanas Terleckas
Vytautas Vaičiūnas
Julius Sasnauskas
Povilas Pečeliūnas

and others

bear the shackles of prison so that you might freely live and believe.

Correction: Issue No. 51 of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania erroneously printed that Juozas Gražys was sentenced to three years of general regime. It should have been strict regime.